Man, I feel like a woman. Not to alienate any male readers I may somehow have, but this week is the week that my body likes to make damned sure I know that I am a functioning female homo sapien. Some may refer to this time as Aunt Flo coming to visit… or as Mother Nature’s gift. I call it annoying if anything and today was not the best day I’ve had in a while.
I’m not sure if being fat makes periods less hassle… I know it can make them irregular, but I don’t ever remember getting cramps. Today, I had cramps. It wasn’t fun, and the worst part about it was how far working out was from my mind. I didn’t want to think about going from a standing up to sitting down position let alone doing jumping jacks or squats.
And I’m sad to report that I haven’t worked out today. This morning, after dragging myself out of bed, I literally just made lunch. That was the only activity I physically did besides taking a shower and eating that lunch. Here at work, where I usually take my dinner break and work out in the gym downstairs, I’ve chosen to sit here with my feet up and type this blog.
Am I giving up? Is my unfertilized uterus to blame for knocking me off track?
No. I am to blame, but there’s nothing to be faulted. I started my period today and decided to not work out. It doesn’t mean I’m undoing all my hard work, not in a day. It doesn’t mean tomorrow will be the same story. I can assure you it won’t. I’m working out twice tomorrow if it kills me. My uterus, which I have dubbed Lady Anna for no other reason than that it’s my uterus and I can do what I want with it, can gripe and groan all she wants to tomorrow. She’s had her day off and tomorrow I’m getting back on track!
Now if you have any tips or tricks, ladies, for working out at this most inconvenient and annoying of times in a woman’s month, let me know! It can be tricky and irritating, but it’s something that I have to do because I’m not taking a week off from working out. I didn’t do that last month (but I didn’t have cramps last month, either).
Was this too much information? Well, I don’t really care, as I’m sure you’ve figured out already if you’ve read this much of Happy, Healthy Gina.
It's been said that exercise does help to relieve those hateful menstrual cramps, which is a good thing since you're now experiencing them! Exercising will release endorphins to relieve that pain you're feeling and lift up your mood. Keep up the exercise you're doing, but definitely don't push yourself. I wouldn't recommend running because it may upset your stomach while you're on your period, but even just jogging or walking on a treadmill is better than nothing. Don't overexert yourself but definitely don't give your body a huge week of rest. Your body will thank you!