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Monday, May 16, 2011

day thirty-six: weekly exercise schedule

I've decided to make a checklist of sorts for my weekly exercise schedule. Basically, I list the days of the week, and all the exercise routines I like to do. At the beginning of the week, I highlight the routines I seek to do at certain times on certain days. As the week goes on, I'll simply circle in pen which ones I did, whether it ended up being the highlighted ones or not.

The reason I'm not scheduling them in absolute stone is because some routines, such as going for a walk or jog, depends on the weather. If the weather is good, I'm going to go outside and walk/jog rather than stay inside and ride the exercise bike or do a workout DVD. So tentative to the weather, and also what I feel like doing that day (I may get bored with a DVD and so switch to doing stair runs at work or something similar), I am scheduling my workouts to the best of my ability.

Here's what the schedule looks like:
And after I've highlighted this week's workout choices: 
I also leave a blank space on each day in case something changes or I come up with something new that I want to do that day. I have to keep my routines fresh and new each week or else I get bored.

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