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Monday, May 2, 2011

day twenty-two: say no to thinspiration!


I hate that term. It’s ridiculous. You can idolize someone’s body, I suppose, but people who are dieting or seeking to lose weight seem to forget that no two people have the same body chemistry or body type. Everyone is different and unique. Different people put on weight in different places of their body, different people have different muscle structures on their bodies, and so on. 

I will never, ever have a thinspiration. I will never aspire to look like anyone else. Of course, I’ll have the occasional daydream that I wake up one morning and Scarlet Johansson is looking back at me through the mirror, but I won’t ever try to envision myself with her exact curves, her facial structure, or her body type. I may strive to fit into the size clothes she wears, but even then, I won’t fit them exactly like she does! I’ll have weight in different areas of my body than she does. We all do! Every person’s body is different than another’s. No two are the same! 

Another reason thinspirations are a terrible goal to strive for is that they are very seldom real. Most thinspirations are a celebrity and celebrities are not real. Their pictures are airbrushed and fixed in post-production. Photoshop can make a person look thin, unblemished, and perfect! Magazine photos, publicity shots, stills from movies, all of these are airbrushed and touched-up beyond recognition. None of those people look that way in real-life. You should never strive to be something that no one can ever be! It puts undue stress on you, and it won’t help you at all. It will only hinder you. The longer you go on trying to twist and turn in the mirror, wondering when you’ll finally start to look like Megan Fox, the longer you are only mentally abusing yourself and becoming weaker. 

Become the best you that you can possibly be. There’s already a Megan Fox: one with personal trainers and dietitians and make-up artists and stylists and photographers that touch up her photos. A whole team of people make her camera-ready. You have the potential to be absolutely gorgeous. Everyone does! I have the potential to be beautiful, and I’m going strong on the path to finding that within myself. 

Feeling good about yourself is an extension of health and happiness. Once you get your health under control, happiness will come, and self-confidence will follow. Don’t be afraid to become the best you that you possibly never even imagined you can be. I’m doing it, and so can you!

Day Twenty-Two Stats:
Wake Up: 1:30 PM (had a very late night)
Breakfast: None
Lunch: Chocolate milk, ham sandwich on wheat bread with mustard, cottage cheese with pineapple
“Snack”: ½ Jason’s Deli wrap with mushrooms and sprouts, grapes, blue corn chips with homemade salsa
Exercise: 25 Jump-n-Jacks, stretches, 25 minutes elliptical, X Mode activated
Dinner: Two tuna fish sandwiches on wheat bread, apple sauce

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