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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day Four: Just Keep Going

Wake Up: 11 AM
Breakfast: bowl of Cinnamon Life cereal with 2% milk
Workout: Biggest Loser Cardio Max Level 1
Lunch: Turkey wrap with cream cheese, lettuce, red peppers
Snack: Banana
Workout: 30 min elliptical
Dinner: chicken stir fry with brown rice

I can already see elements of my old self trying desperately to break through my surge of motivation. I still sleep two hours past my 9 AM alarm. I still am not putting my 100% effort into my workouts. Sure, I'm sweating, my heart rate is up, but I know I can lunge deeper and jump higher than I am. I'm cashing in in some ways.

But I seem to be forgetting something: I'm starting over. I'm not going to be at the same fitness level I was eight months and twenty pounds ago. I've gained weight, I've lost muscle tone. I'm not as far back as where I started in April of last year, but I'm definitely quite a few laps back from where I was in the race last August. But I can't get discouraged as I realize this fact. I have to keep pushing, I have to keep moving forward.

I can't lose momentum. My life is hanging in the balance! I need this for me. I don't want to remain miserable and self-loathing well into my thirties and forties. Instead I'm going to spend my twenties kicking my ass into shape so my late twenties, thirties, and forties can be great years to revel in my personal health and happiness seeking success. :) 

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