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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Can't Wait!

I'm just so excited, I can't WAIT to walk into a store and know that I can fit the clothes they have there.

I can't WAIT to stand in front of a mirror with a smile on my face, knowing that I look good.

I can't WAIT to accept compliments from co-workers, family, and friends, because I know I"ve worked hard and deserve the positive feedback instead of thinking they are just "being nice".

I can't WAIT to feel like I deserve the amazingly attractive man I'm dating because I, too, will feel amazingly attractive.

I can't WAIT to wake up and just feel good to be awake and starting a new day.

I can't WAIT to feel that rush of adrenaline when I step on the scale and see that, yes, I DID IT.

I can't WAIT to sit in the desks at school and not worry that it's going to collapse beneath me and/or that my body hangs off the edges of the seat.

I can't WAIT to be able to run faster, jump higher, and exercise harder with a smile on my face because it feels so good.

I can't WAIT to wear my favorite outfits again.

I can't WAIT to feel my stomach turn in disgust when someone suggests eating fast food.

I can't WAIT to be able to wear sexy lingerie.

I can't WAIT to spend less money on clothes that are much cuter than the plus size clothes.

I can't WAIT to not have jelly rolls and back fat and armpit fat and ugh.

I can't WAIT to feel sexy again, in and out of clothes. 

I can't WAIT to succeed. 

For further motivation,

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