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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Phase Two: The Plan

To better facilitate Phase Two of my endeavor to lose a hundred pounds by May 2012, I am going to go back to daily counts of everything I eat and the exercise I have done. This will force me to stick to my plans and not deviate. By holding myself accountable, I feel I will be more likely to sustain will power and not sleep until noon before grabbing a cheeseburger on the way to work. It worked for Phase One, where I successfully lost forty pounds and maintained that weight for nearly five months, so I’m going to reinstate it for Phase Two. Here is a vague outline of my plan:

1.       Daily blog counts of food eaten and exercise done

2.       Only eat home-made meals, eat at restaurants sparingly.

3.       No soda, stay away from unnecessary sweets.

4.       Only one serving at a meal. No second helpings.

5.       Exercise for at least thirty minutes every day. Fit in more when time allows (if there is no homework or housework to be done).

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