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Friday, December 9, 2011

Getting Back in Gear

The semester is coming to a close. I'll soon have three weeks with no classes to distract me from working on my health. I'm looking forward to daily exercise and better food. I'm looking forward to losing more weight. I'm looking forward to reaching my goals. I'm looking forward to feeling better, looking better, and being better.

My plan is to get those finals aced, those papers written, to end the semester on a high note with decent grades. After that, I'll settle into a routine of exercising at least once a day, working back up to my normal routine of twice a day.

I'm starting today with a nice, long walk. The weather is unusually nice for this late into December, and I'm taking advantage of that while I can. I will not allow the upcoming cold weather to discourage me. I will stick to my ambitions and goals and not let myself down. I want a nicer beach body this summer, and slacking off all winter is NOT going to get me to that goal. Therefore, I must stay focused, moving, and positive. Under the cut I'm putting  some images that have been motivating me lately, and I'm super excited to get going. :) Come along with me?

Let's let 2012 go out STRONG! :) Be proud of your accomplishments and don't let yourself down. I know I won't! :)

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