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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2011: A Review in Progress

Deux Milles Onze, A Review
            This year has seen significant changes in the life and times of one Gina Z. I discovered the “joys” of on-line dating. I had never been on a date in my life, and opening myself up to the seemingly infinite world of possibilities beyond my keyboard seemed overwhelming, exciting, and treacherous. I was that fabled fantasy: a single, white female. Headstrong, assured, nothing to hold me back, ready to find love in all the wrong places. I didn’t find love, coincidentally, but I did find my second and then third boyfriends of my life. Neither lasted long, one for a month, the other for two weekends, but they were both lessons to be learned and neither made nor broke me, so I’m still in one piece.

I turned twenty-two this year, celebrating with my second-ever boyfriend during a trip to COSI museum in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was cold, over too quickly, and not as fun as I had hoped. The highlight of my birthday celebrations was a night out at the bowling alley where my wonderful friends and family showed up to bowl twenty-one years away and welcome the twenty-second. I remember the music was grating and too loud and I lost terribly every game I bowled. But it was a night of laughs and good times regardless.

I met some great people this year, along with some average and not so great people, and have lost touch with others. A man named Jon has slipped into my life, albeit from an ocean away, but has been a significant influence over me. He’s been a great friend, a great motivation, a wonderful sounding board of ideas and worries. He’s amazing and I’m so glad to know him. Hopefully next year sometime will have us meeting in person!

I went back to school this year, a goal I promised myself I would accomplish and I did. I have yet to know what my final grades are in my classes, but I feel confident that they will be good.

I bought my first car this year. Quite an endeavor, and one that I’m still making payments on, but a learning experience nonetheless. I made mistakes, but learned from them, and won’t be making them again.

I lost forty pounds this year and have managed to keep it off. Next year will see sixty more pounds shed, at least! 

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