I absolutely detest, as anyone with a weight loss goal in mind would, bringing myself down a few notches and facing reality. The truth is, since my last entry, I haven't worked out regularly like I've been meant to, I've been eating fast food quite a lot, and I'm letting my eating schedule get out of hand. My muffin top hovers ever-so-mightily between me and victory and it mocks me from every angle in the mirror. I'm three weeks into this fall's semester, and my well-meaning plans have petered out in the name of convenience and time constraints.
In many ways, I've been lazy about my goals. But in some ways, I can point fingers at my tight schedule as bring partially responsible. However, on the weekends when I have absolutely nothing to do, I'm still choosing to do less productive things than exercise and make meals for the rest of the week. I've let myself down so quickly, and I'm thoroughly discouraged.
So I've decided to make a new list of reasons to lose weight. My motivations may have changed some from my last list, and I want to put my priorities right here in front of my face to further motivate me to push past this barrier I've erected before myself before I've even truly gotten started...
I'll start with number five and work my way up to number one, with number one being the most important reason why I need to lose weight. List below the cut! :)